Monday, November 8, 2010

breaking my back in the garage

So, today i went and picked up 90 dollars worth of metal, and tonight i started building!

I have a little 2 door mini pickup that has no room behind the seats(subwoofers take up all the space :) )
and you cant fit anything under the seats,

So.. everything i carry with me either gets wet in the bed of the pickup, or hogs all the room on the passenger side in the cab. This prevents me from offering rides to pretty young ladies. This is unacceptable!!

So i made/am making a tool box that i will bolt down to the bed and put stuff in!!

Couple snags i ran into was that i measured wrong when ordering the metal, and ended up getting a piece 2 inches short. DANG!
and I thought it wouldnt be a problem to bend the metal myself, Just grind a relief groove where i wanted the bend, and just bend it by hand right?! Ugg, that sucked!

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap Chaun! You are talented, I knew it. That's pretty sweet. Okay, next I would like a handmade swing set for your favorite niece and nephew, just no rough edges that might impail them. See, isn't a blog an awesome place to show cool stuff off? Great job!
