Monday, December 13, 2010


yes, aren't blogs the epitimy of "Look at me! Look at me! Mom! MOM! You're NOT looking!!!! AAAAHHHHH".
Yes Spring, I'm talking about you and how you show your kids off to the world. Haha, just kidding, I love seeing my niece and nephew in their cutest moments... the silent ones... Haha again.

I have spent the last two nights, totaling over 9 hours, in the garage working on my most recent project.
A road/fixie bicycle frame.
I measured the dimensions of a bike i like at work, Bought some parts from a local Idaho Frame builder, some parts from Italy, and some steel at Pacific Steel here in IF.
all in all I'm into the frame about 55 bucks. Mostly I did this project for the WOW factor, and also for the experience.

the welds dont look pro, but they should hold just fine
this is where i made my custom seat tube clamp, super sweet!

 i used a spare axle to get my drop out spacing just right
 I put some large holes every 2.5 inches for the look effect, from my understanding, the tubing will be sufficiently strong enough even with these holes
 I was very excited to see that my wheels lined up almost dead center of the frame, just a little bit of tweaking and it will be just right

 all the angles came out dang near spot on, I am very impressed with myself on how well i did without a proper frame jig. Red Green always did say the eyeball was mans most accurate measuring device!

I plan on painting the bike Matt black, with the stem, pedals, and wheels being purple. Ill update when i get it that far done.

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